Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A farm in Los Angeles?

My first school field trip!
Last week I was lucky to be able to visit the Leonis Adobe Museum with my daughter's 1st grade class.
To say it is a blast from the past is an understatement. It is the past!

 Tour docents wear period clothing, actors story tell and demonstrate tasks from the 1800's, like how to wash clothing, make tortillas, rope a steer and make horseshoes. The children were able to try it all. 

In addition to just being happy to be there, I was so inspired as an artist. The light was beautiful. The items, each and everyone were so delicate, rich in history and craftsmanship. 

I could have spent hours photographing this museum, which was not possible since I was in charge of 10 children and 4 were runners... so I will return to Leonis Adobe. And if you happen to be in Los Angeles, I recommend a visit to experience the past, feed the sweet animals and inspire your creative side. 

Here are a few shots that I was able to squeeze in between corralling my herd of 1st graders. 
If I could please put an order in to the general store of the 1800's I would take one of each of the below, lamb included.

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