Sunday, March 25, 2012

smallSHOP go ahead... make a book.

I love Artist’s Books!

There’s nothing like holding a handmade book and gently flipping through its pages.  Artist’s books are both intimate and completely accessible.  Making a book is a great way to record your creative thought process.  I find the assembling, measuring and constructing steps keep the left brain busy giving the creative juices in the right brain a chance to spark (did you ever notice how great ideas pop up while you’re “mindlessly” brushing your teeth or driving?)

Books can be used to sketch ideas - recording an artist’s thought process, experimentation and final refinement of an idea - or for collages or collections - the possibilities are endless!

I especially love books made by kids!  I’ve recently rediscovered a book I made back in kindergarden, I’m so glad I was encouraged to record this silly story!

Check out these other inventive handmade books that Sage found,
they are amazing!

1. Stamped Book.
2. Christina's Book from Kindergarten.
3.Example of a simple accordion book.
4.Christina's Books.
6. Fabric Book.