Saturday, May 12, 2012

Weekend Project - Palm Frawns

When the wind blows in California, 
Palm Frawns can come down. 
Lucky for us!

We took these fallen frowns and hosed them off. The using blue painters tape we taped off a border and crossed the tape to create many different patterns and shapes. Then using acrylic paint, we just went for it. On two of them we decided to paint only black, but on one we thought it would be fun to add an accent color and orange it was. We sprayed them with a fixative once dried, 
to help with the paint from flaking off. 

We love them and it was a perfect weekend project!
Find something in nature: Palm Frawns, Rocks, wood, etc. 
Clean it and paint it. 

Do something creative today. 
Have a great weekend. 

Sage and smallSHOP