Thursday, August 30, 2012


smallSHOP was invited by Circle of Moms 
to a screening of Fox Studio's feature film Won't Back Down. 

I left wiping a tear or two away and feeling INSPIRED. 
I was also reminded that quality education 
is not a privilege, but a right.
And that each child should truly 
not be left behind! 

Won't Back Down shares the story of two mothers, 
one a teacher, who want more for their children. 
It also sparks an energy and reminds educators 
why they became teachers in the first place. 

Both of these women understand that it is 
the CHILD who suffers when a school is failing.
And they dedicate themselves to this fight - 
a fight for education. 

My life has been forever changed by my teachers. 
I have dedicated my professional life to education 
with the hopes to encourage and support our youth. 
I am grateful that my children have had 
incredible teachers in their lives as role models. 
This should be every child's experience. 

Each child deserves the opportunity to succeed. 
And this success starts with a quality education. 

A+ to the film makers for creating this film. 
It is truly a must see. We need to keep talking 
about education and fixing our broken system.

"If you can't beat the system - CHANGE it!"

Do something positive today!

Sage and smallSHOP

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