Wednesday, March 20, 2013

smallSHOP Backyard Mural

Don't know what to do with that backyard blank wall?
Put your kids to work 
(with a little help from smallSHOP) 
and create an art installation. 

Here is one part of a project we have been working on 
with a few of our smallSHOP artists. 
I know that if I looked out and saw these in my backyard, 
they would make me smile!

The Family started a mural together and 
created an incredible background. 

We then painted boxes the sizes of the kids. 
Then traced their bodies in the pose that they wanted. 
We taped them up and then painted a background. 
This left a silhouette of the kiddos. 

Later, we added the skin tone for the face and hands. 
Next hair, clothes and special details. 

These smallSHOP artists range in age from 5-8. 
We are so proud of them!

Remember, do something creative today!