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Friday, June 3, 2011


What could be better than a perfect colored square?
100's of perfectly colored squares, of course. 
For this lesson we discussed transparency, overlapping colors to make new ones and texture. Using a wood block and a canvas as the surface to build on, the young artists experimented with colors and shapes. In addition to them having a wonderful time, the finished pieces have a modern controlled feel. Here at smallSHOP we say, "yes, please" to squares in all colors. 

It is hard to speak about squares without giving a "what's up" to the king of art geometry Piet Mondrian. While thinking of smallSHOP and our talented little artists, I remembered back to a fun "one day" project that incorporated patterns inspired by Piet Mondiran. We combined his technique with imaginative characters. After drawing, painting and choosing a solid background we came up with these fun images created by 2nd Grade students.